Homeopathy remedy is considered to be a holistic, natural system of care and is not intended to be a substitute for allopathic medicine, namely, conventional western medicine. The services and information provided should not be construed by you, the client, to be a medical or other diagnosis nor treatment of any disease or injury.
Abhilasha Bhatnagar, hereby referred as “SHE”, is an alternative health care professional and not a medical professional- physician or psychologist; she recommends homeopathic remedies based on the traditional homeopathic practice of evaluating the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is a client educational process and not a medical one. She is not a licensed medical physician and does not diagnose, treat or prescribe medicines for the treatment of disease.
I, ______________________________________________________ do hereby accept full responsibility for any actions taken by myself or my child concerning any foods, homeopathic remedies, herbs, supplements, exercises and educational therapies recommended by Abhilasha Bhatnagar. I hereby release the aforesaid from any liability resulting in any possible damages or loss during our association.
I understand that rather than medical advice or treatment, I am seeking alternative treatment in the form of lifestyle, educational, nutritional and homeopathic advice and/or recommendations. Under no circumstances, should any suggestions be taken as a diagnosis or direction against a licensed physical or mental care professional.
I affirm, that I am seeking self-help advice in natural health or educational matters only, and if I desire a diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition, I must consult a physician.
As a result, I acknowledge that Abhilasha Bhatnagar, Certified Classical Homeopath and My Holistic Healing, LLC has disclaimed all warranties with respect to the Homeopathic information and Homeopathic remedies.